i want you to help me live

Welcome to Shape of Voice, the fanlisting for Koe no Katachi (also known internationally as A Silent Voice) the animated movie by Kyoto Animation.

If you are a fan of Koe no Katachi, why not join us? Navigation is to left, at the bottom of the screen. Thanks for visiting!


This fanlisting was last updated on 25th June 2024 and is managed by Enthusiast. There are 10 members from 4 countries, with 0 member(s) waiting to be added. The newest member of the fanlisting is Pleiades.


If you would like to become a affiliate, I will accept any TAFL Movie fanlistings. Thanks a bunch! Please e-mail Rems with the details if you're interested.

The fanlisting has not been set up to have affiliates.


Site & Layout © Rems
Background textures from subtlepatterns
Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) © Kyoto Animation