memories of you
You have somehow stumbled across Jane Doe, Rems' fanlisting collective - greetings and salutations. This collective has been around in some form for over a decade for my always returning hobby, and has a history to match: you can learn more about the collective over at the about section. The current version of Jane Doe features Aigis as she appears in Persona 3: Reload, because the menu art from this game is perfection.statistics
Rems currently reigns over 29 fanlistings (with 0 upcoming!), which changes from time to time. The collective houses 1427 members with 0 waiting to be added. The newest fanlisting I own is for Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). Lastly, I have personally joined 604 fanlistings.
bits & pieces
Persona 3 © Atlus. This site is purely for fan purposes and no profit is made from running it. No infrigement intended.