a fanlisting

A fanlisting is a group of people who like something: i.e. a group of people who like wolves. All a fanlisting is is a list of fans to do with that particular person, item, or object; it joins together people with similar interests.


Charmed is an American television series that first aired in 1998, and spans eight seasons, wrapping with its finale in 2006.

To summarise Charmed in a sentence, it's the story of a trio of modern day sisters who also happen to be witches. Their powers are tied to their sisterly bond, and together they are at their strongest - and also most vulnerable, as the evil side of the magical community sees them as a great threat. Whilst the show structures itself around the demon of the week - sometimes literal, sometimes otherwise - it's fundamentally about family (sisterhood, in particular) and the trials and tribulations that a woman might find herself in in the early 21st century. The girls discuss jobs, degrees, relationships, family. This makes the show very unique, because how many shows out there are led by three strong female characters in a present day setting where they just want to live their lives? How many are the chosen ones, but chosen in their late twenties? Very few.

I missed the boat with Charmed, given that I was only eight the first time it aired, but it's something that I was very close to in my teens and now in my mid-twenties. It's surprisingly rewatchable, even twenty years later.

paige matthews

Paige is the surprise fourth sister of the Charmed ones. Her father, Sam, was a whitelighter, and given that this type of relationship was forbidden, and that her destiny would not be part of the Charmed legacy, Paige was adopted and hidden. However, after the death of Prue, the only way for the Charmed One's to be reconstituted is for Paige to figuratively step into her shoes.

Her use of telekineses is a bit different to Prue's, given that she moves things through the use of orbs, from her whitelighter side. She's very talented in potion making, spell-casting, and especially empathetic and helpful, given that she enters the series as an almost social worker.

Going from no family to two sisters and a shared destiny makes Paige fiercely independent, and she's not afraid to voice her feelings nor follow her gut instincts. As it happens, she's usually right; I've come to trust my own instincts the same way Paige came to hers.

Out of the sisters, Paige is my joint favourite, along with Piper.
