owned fanlistings

Rems currently owns 29 fanlistings. Any fanlistings that are crosslisted will appear under both categories, where applicable, so some of the numbers won't match up exactly. Feel free to look around and join any if you are a fan!


Showing fanlistings under the Games » Series category...

Final Fantasy XIII - 2
opened 16th December 2019 | 8 fans

"Worlds collide and people fade / Against the timelines, we are brave."

Fire Emblem series
opened 29th September 2014 | 30 fans

"Pick a god and pray."

Life is Strange
opened 18th May 2019 | 0 fans

"Max, you are not crazy. You are not dreaming. It's time to be an everyday hero."

Remember Me
opened 31st July 2014 | 4 fans

"I know everything about you, and I can make you believe whatever I want. This is my gift to you. My legacy."

opened 31st January 2017 | 17 fans

"Hey Red... we're not going to get away with this, are we?"

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