a fanlisting
A fanlisting is a group of people who like something: i.e. a group of people who like wolves. All a fanlisting is is a list of fans to do with that particular person, item, or object; it joins together people with similar interests.life is strange
Life is Strange was made and developed by the French company Don't Nod, and published by Square Enix. Originally the game was released in instalments (known as episodes, one through five) throughout 2015 on PS4, XBoxOne, PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, and was later packaged into a special edition which was released in January 2016. The game was later remastered and re-released in 2022.Life is Strange takes place in the fictional town of Arcadia Bay in the state of Oregon, in October 2013. The story follows Max Caulfield, a photographer, who has recently moved back to her hometown from Seattle to attend the prestigious Blackwell Academy. Fairly standard, pretty ordinary and everyday except, when we meet Max, she's dreaming of a tornado that's about to wipe out the town. It's not the first time she's dreamed of this tornado, nor the last, but we'll come back to that later.
Early in the game Max discovers she has the power to rewind time; she gets over it pretty quickly (because she's been here before, countless times). The catalyst for Max's power is when she witnesses a girl being shot in the girl's bathroom, and Max wonders - can she save her? Where did the storm come from? Can she save the town? Who's Rachel Amber? Can she save her, too?
And so the week progresses, Max uncovering and stumbling into many, many strange weird happenings, and the storm on Friday looms ever closer.
Life is Strange is told entirely from Max's perspective, and the player has the choice to mould her answers and to make choices. Each action has a consequence, sometimes shown episodes later - some small, some not. The game has had a lot of success since its release, and it's well deserved. I'd suggest giving it a try if you haven't already.
chloe price
Chloe Price is a pirate, a faithful chauffeur and companion, and Max's partner in time.Well, not exactly. Chloe gets a lot of screentime throughout the game, being Max's former best friend whom she has failed to contact since moving to Seattle, and also in her months of returning to Arcadia Bay. Though Chloe is understandable angry, they reconnect, they bond, she learns of Max's newfound powers, and thus Chloe becomes Max's partner in the many mysteries surrounding Arcadia Bay.
Remember the girl who was shot in the bathroom? That was Chloe. Throughout the course of the week, Max has to keep saving Chloe, over and over again. Weird, right. (Right. Nudge.)
In some ways, Chloe is Max's polar opposite. She's punk, dyes her hair, smokes, gives off a great deal of attitude and has plenty of bark (and bite) to go with it. Chloe has received a fair deal of hate from parts of the fandom that she is toxic for Max, which I don't believe to be true - some of her ideas are misguided, but she is never deliberately hurtful. She gets jealous when Max wants to spend time with other people (understandably, given she left her for seven years), and Chloe has many, many helpings of abandonment issues and likely depression to boot. I think she's a great, well rounded character, who reads as human.