do i really wanna know

Welcome to Santa Monica Dream, the fanlisting for Chloe Price from Don't Nod's episodic game Life is Strange. Chloe is Max's childhood best friend and, early in the game, their friendship rekindles and Chloe discovers Max's ability to rewind time in the process. If you are a fan of Chloe, please consider joining us! Navigation is at the bottom of the page.


This fanlisting was last updated on 14th June 2024 and is managed by Enthusiast. There are 12 members from 4 countries, with 0 member(s) waiting to be added. The newest member of the fanlisting is Leah.


If you would like to become a affiliate, I will accept any Dontnod (or episodic games generally) fanlistings. Thanks! Please e-mail Rems with the details if you're interested.

credits & navigation

Site & Layout © Rems
Background textures from subtlepatterns
Life is Strange © Don't Nod & Square Enix.